Parts of Speech Worksheets

What Are the Parts of Speech?

The parts of speech describe the purpose and grammatical use of a word in a sentence. In many cases a single word can serve as more than one part of speech in different situations. There are eight parts of speech. Nouns are people, places, or things. They are commonly found with an article (a, an, the). A pronoun serves the role of a noun, but they are specific nouns, which are referred to as the antecedent. Verbs are used to convey an action that is taken place or a state of being. Verbs must agree with the subject of the sentence when it comes to quantity. Adjectives are used to add a description or modification to a noun or pronoun. Adverbs have a similar role to adjectives, but they modify or describe verbs, adjectives, or adverbs themselves. Prepositions are found before nouns or pronouns to form phrases. They modify words within sentences themselves. Conjunctions such as the words "and", "but", "or", are used to combine or join words, phrases, or clauses. The last part of speech is known as an interjection. They are used to express a high level of emotion and are often followed by the exclamation point. In this selection of worksheets, we will explore all these different parts of speech and many different complementary topics.


Time to explore those words that make life a little more vivid.


These have so many different uses in sentences. Their overall job is to modify another word.

Auxiliary Verbs

These are helper verbs meaning they assist the main verb in expressing or signifying something.

Common Nouns

These are your average ordinary everyday people, places, or things. They are not specific at all.

Comparing Adjectives

The goal with this section is to help bolster your writing by helping you learn how to pick the best possible word for your purpose.


We explore a series of words that link or connect words, phrases, or clauses.

Future Tense

We work on sentences where the action has yet to happen.


These are often seen by others as rude because they are abrupt interruptions.

Irregular Verbs

Simple put, these are verbs where the past tense can not be formed by simply adding -ed to the ending.


These usually serves as the subject of the sentence. The good ole' people, places, and things that they are.

Object Pronouns

These are not the subject of the sentence, they are often the action of the verb in the sentence.

Plural Nouns

When we are examining groups of people, places, or things.


These show ownership of some sort.


These are the words that help us establish some what a relation between words.


They can do all the things that nouns can.


These comparisons can really help people understand relationships clearly.

Simple Subjects

These are all about determining who or what is performing the action in a sentence.

Transitive Verbs

These accept one or more objects and run with them.


This is when verbs go against the grain and just don't action like themselves.


These are all about what is going on in your statement.

Verb Tense

This gives us an idea of when something is taking place.