Vacation Related Coloring and Writing Worksheets

Favorite Toy

Describe your favorite toy. What was your favorite toy? Our favorite was Speak and Spell.


How do you fish? What tools do you use? A popular vacation activity.


Describe your garden. If you are looking for an educator in the summer, check here!


Describe your stay in a hotel. Your home away from home on vacations.

Pole Climbing

How do you climb a pole? Is that an Olympic Sport yet? Keep your eyes out for it.


When was the last time you went sightseeing? Describe what you saw. Try to not get lost in this question.

Skipping Rope

How do you do skip rope? This is a tough one, if you never thought about it.

Story Time

Do you have story time every day? Who is you favorite reader and what books do you enjoy? Great to reinforce literacy week.


How is a swing made? Open the door to recess and it's an all out sprint for my kids.

Water Fun

Write a story from this picture. Great for summer time. Write a story from the picture.

Five Vacations Every Student Should Go On

For students, vacationing can be tough, especially because of lack of funds and free time. But there are some vacations which a student must go on during their academic life. Let us discuss them one by one. 1. No Summer School: First and foremost, every student must do is to not take summer classes. Work hard enough that you do not have to take summer classes. That way, even if you are not going anywhere, at least you are regenerating your mind. 2. School Field Trips: Do not leave out field trips when they are organized. Sometimes they may cause a lot of money, but it can be a huge learning opportunity for you. 3. Visiting Family Members: Do not miss out on visiting your family members and strengthen your bond with them. 4. Family Travels: Traveling with your family is nothing short of fun and excitement. The best part is that you have all the people you love with you, which makes everything better. 5. Take a Camping Trip: This trip is especially for those who like to learn more about nature. Moreover, it a perfect way to bond with your peers as well.