French Noun Worksheets

Common French Nouns You Should Learn First

Did you know there are 6500 languages in the world? Some you are aware of and the names of some you have not even heard. Out of the wide variety of languages, English, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, and French are the most widely spoken ones in the world. French, which is commonly referred to as the language of love. It is a beautiful, rich, melodious language. It serves as a good base for learning other languages, and the language itself is so much fun to learn. By helping people develop an alternative view of the world, French opens up the world to a speaker. It is the working and official language of the United Nations, UNESCO, NATO, the International Olympic Committee, and even of the International Red Cross. So, if you are planning to learn this world language, you need to start by learning the most commonly used nouns.
Monsieur: French equivalent of the English word, 'Gentleman.'
Madame: French equivalent of the English words, 'Madam' and 'Mrs.'
Maman: French equivalent of the English word, 'Mom,' or 'mother.'
Pere: French equivalent of the English word, 'dad' or 'father
Un Petit: French equivalent of the English word 'kid' or 'small child.'
Homme: French equivalent of the English word 'man.'
Femme: French equivalent of the English word for 'women
Ami: French equivalent of the English word, friend.'
Temps: French equivalent of the English word for 'time' as well as 'weather.'
Chose: A useful Fench noun that can be used to refer to almost anything.

Les Animaux (Animals)

Tracez une ligne de l'image au mot.

Les V&‌egrave;tements

Match the name for each piece of clothing to the French word.

Mon Corps (My Body)

Students match body parts to names that represent them.

Famille (Family)

The focus here is name of vocabulary words that stand for position within families.

Mois de L'annee (Months of the Year)

We just can't see to get away from that dang calendar.

Couleurs (Colors)

Most students find these translations more phonetic then other languages.

Nourriture (Food)

This one makes me hungry.

Ma Maison (My House)

Tell us all about the common parts of a home.

La Nature (Nature)

Things that are related to our natural environment.

Les Moyens de Transport (Modes of Transportation)

All the different ways that we move around the globe.