Five Human Senses Worksheets

What Are the Five Human Senses?

Touch - Touch is defined as the first sense which humans develop. It consists of many distinct sensations that are communicated to the brain, induced by the neurons inside your skin. Sensations like pressure, temperature, pressure, vibration, pain, and so on are all attributed to different receptors present in the skin. Sight - Perceiving things or sight through the eyes; maybe a complex process. Since the light reflects off an object to the eye. The light then bends on the cornea and passes through the pupil. The colored part of the eye works like a shutter of the camera. It shuts out the light or opens it for more light. Hearing - Whether it's music, car honks, or laughter – all of them reach the ears in the form of sound waves in the ear. The sound waves then beat funnels through the outer ear, to the ear canal, and then to the tympanic membrane. The membrane then transfers the vibrations to the small bones, called the auditory ossicles. Smell - Do you know that humans can smell 1 trillion scents? They can do this with the olfactory cleft found at the top of the nasal cavity. Taste - Do you know that the small bumps on the top of the tongue consist of taste buds? When we eat, the food enters the papillae and reaches the taste buds. Then it gives the signals to the brain about the taste it witnesses.

Using Your Senses

Look at the picture and circle all the senses you can use.

Amusing Senses

If you went to an amusement park, what would you use each sense for?

Using Your Senses

We use many of our sense throughout the day. What did you observe today?


Name things you can hear in your home. Draw or paste a picture in each box. Write a sentence about how they sound.


Name some things that you see in and around your home. Draw or paste a picture in each box. Write a sentence about each picture below.


Name some things that you can smell in your home. Draw or paste a picture of each in a box. Write a sentence describing what they smell like.


Name some things that you can taste in your home. Draw or paste a picture in each box. Write a sentence for each picture below.


Name things you can touch in your home. Draw or paste a picture of each in a box. Write a sentence about each picture below.

Body Parts

Match the word to the correct picture.

Picture It

Draw a picture in the correct column for each sense.


Match each sense to the correct picture.

My 5 Senses

Circle the correct answer that best fits the sentence.

Today In Class...

Complete the following sentences. Remember to use your senses!


Circle all the pictures that you might taste.

Hot and Cold

Circle the pictures that are hot to touch. Put an X over the pictures that are cold.

Sensory Words!

Sensory words are adjectives that describe color, odor, shape, size/weight, taste, and texture.

Sensory Sentences

Read each sentence below. Next, rewrite each sentence using as many sensory words as you can to make the sentences more exciting and memorable. Have fun!