Adjective Worksheets

What are Adjectives?

We use adjectives to intensify and customize a noun or a pronoun. It provides an extra information to readers about the reference of a noun or a pronoun. We use it right before the noun or pronoun that change it. In case, if you need to describe noun or a pronoun, you will use one or more one adjectives. If you are writing a noun before another noun, you will consider it with its adjectives. Students will sometimes mix up adjectives and verbs. If we remember that the goal of this part of speech focus on giving more detail about the noun and not what the noun is doing, it becomes a great deal easier for students. Lets take a look at an example sentence: The multi-colored balloon floated over the roof top. In this particular sentence the noun is the balloon. The description of the verb tells us it is multi-colored that is the adjective. We do not want to confuse this with the action the balloon is taking (floated), that is the verb. There are different types of adjectives. We use all of them in respective sentences. They include: descriptive, possessive, numeral, proper, interrogative, proper, adjectives of quantity, and demonstratives.


Describe a whale.


See what you know about horses.


Tell us all about our shelly friends.


Tell us about man's best friend.


Another popular house pet.


Tell us about your thoughts of this human sense.


If you had to give up one sense, this would be the one for me.


A little biology and science for you.


Describe this sense.


Describe the taste of these foods.

Picture That

Look at each picture and word. Think of an adjective to describe the picture.

Sentence Finisher

What word would sum this all up for you.

Makes Me Think

What does this make you think of?

What's It Like

Describe what each of these is like.


Describe these people and their actions.

Fall Leaves

Describe this leafy adventure.

Snowball Fight!

Describe this scene.


Give some color to this backyard scene.

Trash Ocean

Words for ocean floating trash.

Pooch Scrub

Describe giving a dog a bath.

Fall Sports

Write words that describe activities that take place during the fall season.

Fall Environment

Write words that describe the fall environment, such as trees, leaves, colors.

Fall Foods

Write words that describe foods that are popular during the fall season.


Write words that describe pumpkins - how they look, smell, taste, feel, and sound.

A Scarecrow

Write words to describe a scarecrow.


Write words to describe bats.

Spring Weather

Write words that describe the weather during the spring season.

Spring Animals

Write words that describe animals that you see in the spring season.

Spring Changes

Write words that tell about changes that take place during the spring season.

Summer Weather

Write words that describe the weather during the summer season.

Summer Activities

Write words that describe activities that are fun during the summer season.

Summer Clothes

Write words that describe clothing we wear during the summer season.

Turkey Dinner

Write some words that remind you of Thanksgiving dinner.


Write words that tell about pilgrims.

Native Americans

Write words that remind you of the Native American Indians.

Gobble, Gobble...

Write words that describe a turkey.


Thanksgiving is a time to say, "Thank You." Here are the things for which I am grateful.

Winter Activities

Write words that describe activities during the winter season.

Winter Clothes

Write words that describe clothes we wear during the winter season.

Winter Weather

Write words that describe the weather during the winter season.

Describe the Noun

Look at each picture. Read the phrases and write an adjective to describe each noun.

How To Use Adjectives

An adjective is a word that we use to describe a noun. It qualifies a noun and describes the importance of the noun. That is why we use adjectives to modify a noun. Here, we will learn different uses of adjectives to specifies the noun well. There is an invariable use of adjectives in the English language. They do not change their form that relies upon the status of the gender or number of the noun. For example, this a cold mango, or those are cold mangoes. If you want to strengthen adverbs, use adverbs very or really in front of the adjective. You will do this to focus on or strengthen the meaning of adjectives. For example, this is a very cold mango, and those are some hot mangoes. Usually, in the English language, we add adjectives at the beginning of a modified noun. For example, the blue Ferrari cost me expensive, and the fast-green car drove away. You can add adjectives at the end of the sentence and with sensing verbs such as to seem, like to be, to look and to taste. For example;

Switzerland is beautiful.

I do not think it seems nice at all.

You look tired, etc.