Alliteration Worksheets

What is Alliteration?

Alliteration is commonly found in poetry. It is a repetition of initial consonant sounds in closely associated syllables, given that the consonants are identical. Sometimes alliteration is also referred to as head rhyme or initial rhyme. The term alliteration has been derived from the Latin word, 'littera' which means 'letter of the alphabet.' Some examples of alliteration include 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.' It is one of the most common phrases that people use, and it is a perfect example of what alliterations are. Poetically, alliterations are used all around the world. These are used to instill emotions in a literary piece, whether oral or written, to engage the audience and readers. The use of these words can give a poem a calm, smooth, harsh, or a loud sound. As it is a bold tool, it is usually used to call attention to a certain subject.

Find It

On the line, write the letter sound(s) that is repeated.

How to Create It

The repeated sound is often at the beginning of each word, but it does not have to be. You can use alliteration to create both rhythm and mood that can suggest things to the reader.

Build Them Up

You may add as many words to each sentence as you like.

Identify and Create

This is a literary device created by purposefully repeating consonant sounds in nearby words.

Can You Create It?

Use each prompt to write a sentence that includes alliteration.

Using Adjectives

Now choose four of the phrases you created above and write sentences using them.

The Alternative

Practice alliteration by creating an alliterative phrase for each letter provided.

Double Duty

On the line, write the letter sound(s) that is repeated.

In Action

Underline each example of alliteration that you find. Next to the relevant lines, write the letter that is alliterated.

Add It!

Revise each sentence below to include alliteration. Choose any word(s) you like to create your alliteration. Feel free to add or change words as long as the original meaning of the sentence does not change.

Repeat It!

Add an adjective to each noun to create an alliteration.

Quick Quiz

Read the assigned poem. Write down every example of alliteration that you find. Use the back of this page if you need more space.

New Project

Use alliteration to write a sentence about each person in your class. Start by writing down everyone’s name. Then write your sentences. Use the back of this page if you need more space.

The Raven

Underline the alliteration in the first two stanzas of Poe's poem.

Wrap Up

Find four examples of alliteration in the assigned reading. Record each example below. Then say why you think the author chose to use alliteration.