What are Determiners?
In English grammar, there are many terms and concepts that people need to develop and understand. Without a proper understanding of these concepts and rules, people cannot write quality sentences that make sense. While people mostly focus on nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs while writing sentences, there are other parts that complete a sentence and give it a meaning. Determiners are also part of a sentence. Determiners are 'words that introduce nouns.' Some examples include, The dog went home. I ate the chocolate cake. The metal cans are recyclable. It is important to note that determiners are not necessary to use. The last example can also be written without one; metal cans are recyclable. There are different types of determiners, and these include articles, demonstratives, quantifiers, and possessives.

Picture Me
Write a sentence to you with each picture to say who the object in the picture belongs to. Imagine that one of the people in one of the pictures is you.

This or That?
Use this to talk about something that is close in distance or time. Use that to talk about something that is far away in distance or time.