Complex Sentences Worksheets

What Are Complex Sentences?

A complex sentence has one or more dependent clauses and an independent clause in a sentence. You can write it as an independent clause separately. You will not see a dependent clause standing alone as it contains a verb and a subject. Let’s consider complex sentence examples.
Jennifer was happy as she participated in the school play, even though it is just a little one.
My meal got cold. I heated it in the microwave.
John ties his shoelaces. Still, he practiced a lot.

Whether you start writing a sentence with a subordinate clause or independent clause, you will consider it a complex sentence. You will add a comma in a sentence when you will have subordinate clauses. There is no need to incorporate a comma in a sentence in the case of an independent clause. You will write it alone as it has a verb and subject in a sentence. It shows a complete thought. Compound sentence vs. Complex sentence - There is always confusion between them. Compound sentences contain two independent clauses as they are equally crucial. We join them with two coordinating conjunctions. Then, the clause’s rank will change. For example, Jennifer sang, and Alex danced.
Coordinating conjunctions are seven that make two clauses equal, and you have time to memorize it. They are (and, or, yet, so far, but).


Use the word in parentheses to combine each pair of sentences into a complex sentence.

Simple to Complex

Jack up every line you are given.

The Independent Clause

Find and underline the independent clause in each complex sentence.

Subordinate Clauses

A subordinate clause (dependent clause) does not express a complete thought, and must be attached to a main clause.

Indicating Importance

Combine the sentences in a way that will signal to the reader that the sentence in parentheses is the most important.

Adding Depth

Use words like after, although, who, which, when, until, when, so that, or since to connect each of the following sentences to a related, independent clause of your choosing.

Practice Page

Underline the subordinate clauses in each sentence below. Add a comma where necessary.

Adverbial Clauses

An adverbial clause is a dependent clause that modifies a verb in a complex sentence. Write 5 original complex sentences that include adverbial clauses beginning with the word in parentheses.

Grow Your Sentences

"Grow" each sentence into a complex sentence by adding a subordinate clause.

Identifying Them

Read each sentence below. If it is a complex sentence, write complex on the line. If it is a simple or compound sentence, rewrite it, adding or changing information to turn it into a complex sentence.

Stretching Sentences

"Stretch" each thought into a complex sentence by adding subordinate clauses.

Compound vs. Complex

Mark the box that indicates the type of sentence.


Underline the subordinate clauses in each sentence below. Add a comma where necessary.

Can You Tell the Difference?

Identify the type of thought in front of you.


Expand each thought.