Quotation Marks Worksheets

How to Use Quotation Marks

To be able to produce powerful and impactful literary pieces require one to have a stronghold grammar and usage of punctuation. While grammar ensures that your sentences make sense to the reader, punctuation helps add emotions and feel into writing. Using the right punctuation at the right time is critical, as it can totally change the meaning of a sentence. A lot of students and sometimes even adults get confused when they have to use quotation marks. It is a form of punctuation that is used when writing down direct quotations, titles of works when implying alternate meaning, and even when writing words as words and not using them for literal meaning. When you are writing a direct quote that is a complete sentence, you need to make sure that you capitalize the sentence within the quotation mark, even when it is used in the middle of a sentence. When you are using a direct quote, but it is a fragment and not a complete sentence, you do not have to capitalize on it.

Using Them

Read each sentence. If it is punctuated correctly, circle the check mark. If they are not used correctly, circle the X.

My Marks

Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.

Speaker's Words

Underline each speaker's words. Then rewrite the passage, adding quotation marks where necessary.

Direct Speech

When the words of a speaker are actually reproduced in text, it is called direct speech.

Writing Dialogue

Rewrite the dialogue in the speech bubbles below.

Write Them

Read the story below. Underline direct speech. Then use a colored marker or colored pencil to add quotation marks and commas where needed.


Quotation marks are used around the titles of songs, poems, short stories, newspaper articles, and when referencing chapters in books.


Rewrite the dialogue from the cartoon, using direct speech.

Indirect to Direct

Rewrite the indirect speech as direct speech.

Quoting People

Write a sentence that includes each of the quotations below and the name of the person who said them. Punctuate correctly.


If the sentence is already punctuated correctly, place a check mark next to the sentence.

Correcting Sentences That Contain Direct Speech

Use commas, quotation marks, capital letters, or make any other changes necessary in order to rewrite the sentences correctly.

Mark It

Copy each quote on the lines below. Be careful to add commas and quotation marks where they are needed.

Punctuating Direct Speech

Read each sentence. If it is punctuated correctly, circle the smiley face. If they are not used correctly, circle the X.

Practice Writing

Write 5 sentences about what you did last weekend. Include direct quotations.