Classifying Parts of Speech Worksheets

How to Determine the Part of Speech a Word Serves

As we work to be purposeful writers and communicators in general, we look to heighten our vocabulary and the use of these words in our expressions and communications. In order to properly use new words, we will need to understand how it can proper be used in sentences by understanding the role that it plays to help form the statement. This purpose or overall sense of what it contributes to the sentence is the part of speech. Words can provide a multitude of uses within a sentence and then same word can be used as many different parts of speech depending on the role that serves in its individual situation.

Which One?

Pronouns are words that can be used instead of a noun.

Pick it

Circle the correct pronoun to complete each sentence.

Male Pronouns

Replace the underlined word with he or him.

Follow the Directions

Remember that pronouns are words that can be used to replace a noun

Full Statement

Circle the correct word below and write it on the line to complete each sentence.

How Man

How many adjectives can you use to describe these pictures?


Circle the describing words in each sentence.

Need One!

Complete the sentences by writing an adjective in the blank space.


Complete the story by writing an adjective in the blank spaces.

Phrase Me

Complete each phrase by writing an adjective.

Picture That

Use adjectives to describe the picture. Remember that an adjective describes a person, place or thing. Write the word on the line.


When singular nouns end in s, x, z, ch, or sh, add -es to make it plural. Write the plural form of the following nouns.


Look at the nouns in and around the boat.


Write the plural form of each noun in the whales. Remember the rule: Add –es to words that end in o.


Circle the irregular plural nouns. Remember that some words change in their plural form.


Write the plural forms for each noun. Think about the rules for each word.


Circle the nouns in the sentences. Remember that a noun names a person, place or thing.

Replace It

Read each sentence. Replace the underlined word or words with one of the pronouns in the box. Write it on the line.


Pronouns are words that can be used instead of nouns. Read the sentences. Then fill in the blank, using one of the words in the box.

Pro-place Me!

Replace each word in the box with a pronoun. Write it on the line.


Pronouns are words that can be used instead of a noun. Circle pronouns in the sentences below.

Singulars and Plurals

Look at the words in the box. Put the singular nouns in column 1 and the plural nouns in column 2.

Plural Nouns

Read the story below. Put a circle around each plural noun. Read carefully!

Proper Nouns

They always begin with a capital letter. Write the names on lines below.

Mixed Review

Look at the words in the box. Find the nouns, verbs and adjectives and write them on the lines in the correct duck.

Singular vs. Plural Forms

Read each sentence. Choose the singular or plural noun to complete each sentence. Write the word on the line.

I vs. Me

Read each sentence. Circle the pronoun I or me to complete the sentence. Write the pronoun on the line.

Female Pronouns

Read each sentence. Circle the pronoun she or her to complete the sentence. Write the pronoun on the line.