Phoneme Isolation Worksheets

What Is Phoneme Isolation?

It is a method that is the reason for the development of student's phonemic awareness as a part of phonological awareness. There is a specific word's phonemic identification that is the part of phoneme isolation such as first sound, middle sound, and the last sound. With it, you can perform all your tasks in conjunction format including phoneme segmentation tasks. You can do this task verbally as there will no need to write a single word. You can also use direct and explicit instruction but after such instruction. The involvement of educational games or activities that we can say extracurricular activities. Practice phonemic isolation with your kids by conducting worksheet activity. There is no sound present in the word. For example, you can use the word CAT. Then, ask the sound's location of the word T; at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end. What to do for the phonemic isolation strategy's implementation? You must have a specific word for the task of phoneme isolation. You must know the best kind of phonemic isolation upon which you are going to implement. Inform your students which words you are going to pronounce for sound recognition practice of phonemic isolation.

Where's the /k/?

Say the name of each picture. Find and mark where you hear the /k/ sound in each picture below. (canoe, key, book)

That /t/!

Say the name of each picture. Find and mark where you hear the /t/ sound in each picture below. (tape, trombone, bat)

/m/ and /d/?

Working with words like (mountain, moon, worm) and (dinosaur, bird, duck).

Put Them Together

You need to know where everything fits together here.

Identifying Phonemes

Say the name of each picture aloud. Circle the correct beginning sound for each.

Units Sounds

Match these words and the sounds they make to the pictures at hand.

Working on Ts

See how this sound folds in words.

Starter Sounds

Say the name of each picture aloud. Circle the correct beginning sound for each.

Ending Sounds

Circle the correct ending sound for each.

Find the Sound: /j/

See which of these fit that sound.

The /g/ Sound

Circle each picture that has the /g/ sound somewhere in its name.

Isolating Sounds: /f/

Where is that sound found?

/n/ and /t/s

Where do you want to hear all of these from?

/l/ and /w/

Get ready to find these sounds.