Syllabication Worksheets

What is Syllabication?

Syllabication is the process that involves dividing the word into components known as syllables. The process helps children pronounce the word correctly. While children will understand most of the difficult ones because of this process.

Middle Consonants

When a word has two consonants in the middle, divide the word between the two consonants. Divide the words below into syllables. Write the syllables on the line.

Ending in -le

When a word ends with -le, the consonant before the -le is part of the last syllable. Look at each word. Divide it into syllables by writing on the lines.

The Count

Write the number of syllables you hear next to each word.

Syllable Sorting

Read the words in the box. Count the syllables in each word and sort them into the proper columns. "Clap" out the syllables.

Three Syllable Words

Read each word. Circle the ones that contain three syllables.

More Counts

Read each word. Identify the number of syllables in the word. Write the number of syllables on the line.


Divide each word into syllables by putting a slash ( / ) symbol between each syllable. Use a dictionary to help you. Then write the number of syllables in each word on the line.

How Many Syllables?

Circle the number of syllables for each word.

Syllable Breaks

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly. Write its letter on the line.

Split Into Syllables

Split each word into syllables. Write the letters that comprise one syllable on each line.

How Many?

Circle the number of syllables that are in each word.

Clap and Count

As you say each word, clap out the syllables. Write the number of syllables you hear next to each word.

Say It

As you say each word, clap out the syllables. Write the number of syllables you hear next to each word.

Split the Words

Split each word into syllables. Write the letters that comprise of just one each on the line. Follow the example.


Count the number of different sounds that you hear.

Clap Attack

As you say each word, clap out the syllables. Write the number of syllables you hear next to each word.

Say It

Say the name of each picture out loud.