Sentence Fragments Worksheets

What are Sentence Fragments?

When a sentence seems like a group of words these are sentence fragmentation. In actual, it is not a correct sentence. If you want to make a sentence a group of words, you will have to add at least one independent clause. There is a prominent presence of verb and subject that can stand on its own. You can understand it by this example, I like barbeque chicken burger (independent clause). In sentence fragments, you will always have dependent phrases or clauses instead of independent clauses. As original sentences masquerade the fragments as you will finish with a period and start with a capital letter. Sentence fragments do not make a complete sense as you see a clear difference by reading them thoroughly. You can understand about the sentence fragments that it is like a single piece of puzzle. After all you cannot make an entire picture without joining other pieces. Where will you often find sentence fragments hiding? Usually, author add sentence fragments either before or after the independent clauses as per the need they fit. When she got in the cab. We rolled down the house’s window. There is a dependent clause and there is a lack of connectivity.

Sentence or Fragment?

Read each group of words. If it is a sentence, write S on the line. If it is a fragment, write F on the line.

Find the Fragments

A sentence fragment is either missing a subject, missing a predicate, or does not express a complete thought. Decide whether each set of words is a sentence or a fragment.

Fix It Up!

Revise each fragment so that it is a complete sentence.

Find Them

An incomplete sentence is either missing a subject, missing a predicate, or does not express a complete thought. Decide whether each set of words is a sentence or a fragment. Write S for sentence or F for fragment on the line.

F or S?

Read each group of words. If it is a fragment, write an F on the line. If it is a sentence, write an S on the line.

Correcting Them

Fix up each incomplete thought.

Happy or Sad

Read each group of words. If it is a complete sentence. circle the happy face. If it is a fragment, circle the sad face.

Classify Them!

Read each statement. Is it a fragment or a sentence? Write your answer on the line.

Full Sentences

Correct each fragment to turn it into a sentence.

Correct Technique

Correct each fragment to turn it into a sentence.

Turn Fragments into Sentences

Add a subject or a predicate to each fragment to turn it into a sentence.

These May Be Short

Check the correct box to classify each thought and statement.

Complete the Sentences

Add a subject or predicate to each fragment to complete the sentence.

My Sentences

If the words are a sentence, write sentence on the line. If it is a fragment, correct it by rewriting it as a sentence.

Patching up Sentences

Complete each sentence by adding a subject and/or a predicate.